Dating in frankfurt germany

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As the most trusted online dating platform, Frankfurt Dating enjoys an glad traffic of quality singles that stream to the site daily in search of hot babes and dudes with whom to have a real dating experience with. The Cambridge Ancient History: X, The Augustan Empire, 43 B. We are authentic and likewise verify our members' profiles and photos to ring they are real. After theChancellor 's government was enabled by to without parliamentary approval. Retrieved 16 May 2008. Bismarck successfully concluded in 1864, which promoted German over Danish interests in the Jutland peninsula. The remains were preserved and are now open to the public. This had devastating effects on the GDR, where regular received increasing support.

Frankfurt was a , the , for nearly five centuries, and was one of the most important cities of the ; it lost its in 1866. In 2015, Frankfurt had a population of 732,688 within its administrative boundaries, and 2. The city is at the centre of the larger , which has a population of 5. Since the , the is about 40 km 25 mi to the east of Frankfurt's , the. Frankfurt is culturally and ethnically diverse, with around half of the population, and a majority of young people, having a. A quarter of the population are foreign nationals, including many. Frankfurt is an and a global hub for commerce, culture, education, tourism and transportation. It is the site of many global and European corporate headquarters. Frankfurt is the major of the European continent, with the headquarters of the , , , , , , , several and and other institutes. Automotive, technology and research, services, consulting, media and complement the economic base. Frankfurt's is the world's largest. Major fairs include the , the world's largest motor show, the , and the , the world's largest book fair. Frankfurt is home to influential institutions, including the , the , the , and graduate schools like the. Its renowned venues include the concert hall , Europe's largest and many museums e. The city is also characterised by various green areas and parks, including the central , the and two major , the and the. In , Frankfurt has been a pioneering city since the 1980s, with renowned DJs including , , , , and the clubs , U60311, Omen and. In sports, the city is known as the home of the top tier football club , the basketball club , the and the venue of. Often stereotyped as a financial city, Frankfurt is multifaceted, including the at. Frankfurt is the largest in. It is home to the , , and several large commercial banks. The is one of the world's largest by and accounts for more than 90 percent of the turnover in the German market. In 2010, 63 national and 152 international banks had their registered offices in Frankfurt, including Germany's major banks, notably , , and , as well as 41 representative offices of international banks. Frankfurt is considered a alpha world city as listed by the group's 2012 inventory. Among global cities it was ranked 10th by the and 11th by the. Among financial centres it was ranked 8th by the and 9th by the. Its central location within Germany and Europe makes Frankfurt a major air, rail and road. In 2011 human-resource-consulting firm ranked Frankfurt as seventh in its annual 'Quality of Living' survey of cities around the world. According to cost-of-living survey, Frankfurt is Germany's most expensive city and the world's 10th most expensive. Frankfurt has many in the city centre, forming the. It is one of the few cities in the European Union to have such a skyline and because of it Germans sometimes refer to Frankfurt as , a of the local and. The other well known and obvious nickname is. Before the city was globally noted for its unique with timber-framed buildings, the largest timber-framed old town in Europe. The area was later rebuilt and is popular with visitors and for events such as. Other parts of the old town are to be reconstructed as part of the by 2016. The legend of the Frankenfurt ford of the Franks Frankonovurd in or Vadum Francorum in were the first names mentioned in written records from 794. It transformed to Frankenfort during the and then to Franckfort and Franckfurth in the. According to historian , the city was named c. He hoped thereby to perpetuate the name of his lineage. The name is derived from the Franconofurd of the of the ; Furt English ' where the river was shallow enough to be crossed on foot. By the 19th century, the name Frankfurt had been established as the official spelling. The older English spelling of is now rarely seen in reference to Frankfurt am Main, although more than a dozen other towns and cities, mainly in the United States, use this spelling e. The suffix 'am Main' has been used regularly since the 14th century. In English, the city's full name of Frankfurt am Main means 'Frankfurt on the Main' pronounced like English 'mine' or German mein. Frankfurt is located on an ancient ford German: Furt on the. Among English speakers, the city is commonly known simply as Frankfurt, but Germans occasionally call it by its full name to distinguish it from the other significantly smaller German city of in the of on the Polish border. The city district has a name probably dating back to Roman times, thought to be derived from bona me n sa good table. The common abbreviations for the city, primarily used in railway services and on road signs, are Frankfurt Main , Frankfurt M , Frankfurt a. Main articles: and Early history and Holy Roman Empire were established in the area of the Römer, probably in the first century. Nida was also a Roman civitas capital. Frankfurt was one of the most important cities in the. From 855, the were elected and crowned in. From 1562, the kings and emperors were crowned in Frankfurt, initiated for. This tradition ended in 1792, when was elected. His coronation was deliberately held on , 14 July, the anniversary of the. The elections and coronations took place in , known as the Kaiserdom Emperor's Cathedral , or its predecessors. The Frankfurt Trade Fair was first mentioned in 1150. In 1240, granted an imperial privilege to its visitors, meaning they would be protected by the empire. The fair became particularly important when similar fairs in French Beaucaire lost attraction around 1380. Book trade fairs began in 1478. In 1372, Frankfurt became a Reichsstadt , i. In 1585, Frankfurt traders established a system of for the various currencies that were circulating to prevent cheating and extortion. Therein lay the early roots for the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Frankfurt managed to remain neutral during the , but suffered from the that refugees brought to the city. After the war, Frankfurt regained its wealth. Impact of French revolution and the Napoleonic Wars Following the , Frankfurt was occupied or bombarded several times by French troops. In 1806, it became part of the under the Fürstprimas ,. This meant that Frankfurt was incorporated into the. In 1810, Dalberg adopted the title of a. The Grand Duchy remained a short episode lasting from 1810 to 1813, when the military tide turned in favour of the Anglo-Prussian lead allies that overturned the Napoleonic order. Dalberg abdicated in favour of Eugène de Beauharnais, which of course was only a symbolic action, as the latter effectively never ruled after the ruin of the French armies and Frankfurt's takeover by the allies. Frankfurt as a fully sovereign state After Napoleon's final defeat and abdication, the 1814—1815 dissolved the grand-duchy and Frankfurt became a fully sovereign city state with a republican form of government. After the ill-fated , Frankfurt was the seat of the first democratically elected German parliament, the , which met in the St. Paul's Church and was opened on 18 May 1848. In the year of its existence, the assembly developed a common constitution for a unified Germany, with the Prussian king as its monarch. Frankfurt after the loss of sovereignty View of Frankfurt am Main, including the Old Bridge , by 1858 Frankfurt lost its independence after the in 1866 when Prussia annexed several smaller states, among them the. The Prussian administration incorporated Frankfurt into its province of. The Prussian occupation and annexation was perceived as a great injustice in Frankfurt, which retained its distinct western European, urban and cosmopolitan character. The formerly independent towns of and were incorporated in 1890. In 1914, the citizens founded the University of Frankfurt, later named. This marked the only civic foundation of a university in Germany; today it is one of Germany's largest. From 6 April to 17 May 1920, following military intervention to put down the ,. The French claimed that Articles 42 to 44 of the concerning the demilitarisation of the had been broken. In 1924, became the first mayor of the city, and led a significant expansion during the following years. During the , the synagogues of the city were destroyed. Frankfurt was severely 1939—1945. About 5,500 residents were killed during the raids, and the once-famous , by that time the largest in Germany, was almost completely destroyed. It became a ground battlefield on 26 March 1945, when the Allied advance into Germany was forced to take the city in contested urban combat that included a river assault. The and the of the captured Frankfurt after several days of intense fighting, and it was declared largely secure on 29 March 1945. After the end of the war, Frankfurt became a part of the newly founded state of Hesse, consisting of the old and the provinces. The city was part of the of Germany. The Military Governor for the United States Zone 1945—1949 and the United States High Commissioner for Germany HICOG 1949—1952 had their headquarters in the , intentionally left undamaged by the Allies' wartime bombardment. Frankfurt was the original choice for the provisional capital city of the newly founded state of in 1949. The city constructed a parliament building that was never used for its intended purpose it housed the radio studios of. In the end, , the first postwar , preferred the town of , for the most part because it was close to his hometown, but also because many other prominent politicians opposed the choice of Frankfurt out of concern that Frankfurt would be accepted as the permanent capital, thereby weakening the West German population's support for a with and the eventual return of the capital to. Postwar reconstruction took place in a sometimes simple modern style, thus changing Frankfurt's architectural face. A few landmark buildings were reconstructed historically, albeit in a simplified manner e. The collection of historically significant documents of the Municipal Library was destroyed by the bombing. In 1948, the allies founded the , the forerunner of. Following this decision, more financial institutions were re-established, e. In the 1950s, Frankfurt Stock Exchange regained its position as the country's leading stock exchange. Frankfurt also re-emerged as Germany's transportation centre and became Europe's second-busiest airport behind in 1961. During the 1970s, the city created one of Europe's most efficient underground transportation systems. That system includes a suburban rail system linking outlying communities with the city centre, and a deep underground light rail system with smaller coaches also capable of travelling above ground on rails. In 1998, the was founded in Frankfurt, followed by the and in 2011. Frankfurt's skyline from across the Main, showing construction cranes Frankfurt is located on both sides of the , south-east of the mountain range. The southern part of the city contains the , Germany's largest city forest. The city area is 248. The city centre is north of the River Main in district the historical centre and the surrounding district. The geographical centre is in district near. Frankfurt is the centre of the densely populated with a population of 5. Other important cities in the region are capital of , capital of , , , , , , , and. Districts The 46 Stadtteile city districts of central Frankfurt The city is divided into 46 city districts Stadtteile , which are in turn divided into 121 city boroughs Stadtbezirke and 448 electoral districts Wahlbezirke. The 46 city districts combine into 16 area districts , which each have a district committee and chairperson. The largest city district by population and area is , while the smallest is , Frankfurt's historical center. Three larger city districts Sachsenhausen, and are divided for administrative purposes into a northern -Nord and a southern -Süd part, respectively a western -West and an eastern -Ost part, but are generally considered as one city district which is why often only 43 city districts are mentioned, even on the City's official website. Some larger housing areas are often falsely called city districts, even by locals, like Nordweststadt part of , and , Goldstein part of , Riedberg part of and part of. The banking district , Frankfurt's financial district, is also not an administrative city district it covers parts of the western district, the southern district and the eastern district. Many city districts are incorporated suburbs , or were previously independent cities, such as. Some like and arose during the rapid growth of the city in the following the , while others were formed from territory which previously belonged to other city district s , such as and. History of incorporations Until the year 1877 the city's territory consisted of the present-day inner-city districts of , , , , , , , and. The Landkreis Frankfurt was finally dispersed on 1 April 1910, and therefore , , , , , , , , , and joined the City. In the same year a new city district, , was created on territory that had formerly belonged to Seckbach and Ostend. On 1 April 1928 the City of became part of Frankfurt, as well as its city districts , and. Simultaneously the Landkreis Höchst was dispersed with its member cities either joining Frankfurt , , , , or joining the newly established Landkreis of. It was created on territory that had formerly belonged to Eckenheim and Ginnheim. Ried On 1 August 1972 Hesse's smaller suburbs of , , , and became districts while other neighbouring suburbs chose to join the Main-Taunus-Kreis, the , the , the , the or the. It covers the area of Frankfurt Airport that had belonged to Sachsenhausen and the neighbouring city of. Frankfurt's youngest city district is. It was part of Bonames until 1996. Kalbach was officially renamed in 2006 because of the large residential housing development in the area known as Riedberg. Neighbouring districts and cities Frankfurt urban area within To the west Frankfurt borders the of with towns such as , , , , , , and ; to the northwest the with , and ; to the north the with and ; to the northeast the with and ; to the southeast the city of ; to the south the with and to the southwest the with , and. Together with these towns and some larger nearby towns, e. The urban area had an estimated population of 2. Climate Frankfurt has a - : Cfb. Its average annual temperature is 10. Climate data for Frankfurt Airport 1981—2010, extremes 1949—present Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Record high °C °F 15. Central Frankfurt has been a Großstadt a city with at least 100,000 residents by definition since 1875. With 414,576 residents in 1910, it was the ninth largest city in Germany and the number of inhabitants grew to 553,464 before. After the war, at the end of the year 1945, the number had dropped to 358,000. In the following years the population grew again and reached an all-time-high of 691,257 in 1963. It dropped again to 592,411 in 1986 but has increased since then. According to the demographic forecasts for central Frankfurt, the city will have a population up to 825,000 within its administrative boundaries in 2020 and more than 2. During the 1970s the state government of wanted to include the entire urban area into its administrative boundaries. This would have made Frankfurt officially the second largest city in Germany after Berlin with up to 3 million inhabitants. However, because local authorities did not agree the administrative territory is still much smaller than its actual urban area. Population of the 46 city districts on 31 December 2009 No City district Stadtteil Area in km² Population Foreign nationals Foreign nationals in % Area district Ortsbezirk 01 0. For the first time a majority of the city residents had a non-German background. Moreover, three of four children in the city under the age of six had immigrant backgrounds. The city is considered a multicultural city because it is home to people of more than 200 nationalities. The city contains sizable immigrant populations from , , , , , Romania, , , , , , , Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, , Portugal, France, , Japan, the United States, Austria, the United Kingdom, Pakistan, Morocco and India. The Frankfurt urban area is also home to the second-largest community in Europe, and to Germany's largest community. Religion Frankfurt was historically a -dominated city. However, during the 19th century an increasing number of moved there. The Jewish community has a history dating back to Medieval times and has always ranked among the largest in Germany. Two synagogues operate there. Due to the growing immigration of people from Muslim countries beginning in the 1960s, Frankfurt has a large Muslim community. The , constructed in 1959, is the city's largest mosque and the third largest in Germany. As of 2013 the largest Christian denominations were Roman Catholicism 22. Estimations put the share of Muslim inhabitants at approximately 12% 2006. According to calculations based on census data for 21 countries of origin the number of Muslim migrants in Frankfurt amounted to about 84,000 in 2011, making up 12. A large part of them was from Turkey and Morocco. Over 7,000 inhabitants were affiliated with the Jewish community, amounting to approximately 1% of the population. This section needs additional citations for. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. September 2015 Frankfurt is one of five in , which means that it does not form part of another general-purpose local government entity, in this case it is not part of a. The other four cities are the second to fifth largest cities in Hesse: , , and. A kreisfreie Stadt has territorial within its defined city limits. In 1995 of the CDU became Oberbürgermeisterin , Frankfurt's municipal leader. In 2012, SPD succeeded Roth as Lord Mayor. International relations Frankfurt twin towns as of 2005 Partnerships Partnerships and city friendships are a weaker form of cooperation than the sister city relationship, acting more like a fixed-term cooperation or limited to certain projects. The houses were acquired by the city council in 1405 from a wealthy merchant family. The middle house became the city hall and was later connected with its neighbours. The Römer was partially destroyed in World War II and later rebuilt. The surrounding square, the Römerberg, is named after the city hall. The former old town quarter between the Römer and the Frankfurt Cathedral was to be redeveloped as the through 2016, including of historical buildings that were destroyed during World War II. Frankfurt Cathedral Frankfurter Dom is not a cathedral, but the main Catholic church, dedicated to. The building was constructed in the 14th and 15th centuries on the foundation of an earlier church from the time. From 1356 onwards, kings of the were elected in this church, and from 1562 to 1792, emperors were crowned there. Since the 18th century, St. Bartholomew's has been called Dom, although it was never a bishop's seat. In 1867 it was destroyed by fire and rebuilt in its present style. It was again partially destroyed in and rebuilt in the 1950s. Its height is 95 meters. The cathedral tower has a viewing platform open to the public at a height of 66 meters, accessed through a narrow spiral staircase with 386 steps. Paul's Church Paulskirche is a national historic monument in Germany because it was the seat of the first democratically elected parliament in 1848. It was established in 1789 as a church, but was not completed until 1833. The attempt failed because the monarchs of and Austria did not want to lose power. In 1849 Prussian troops ended the democratic experiment by force and the parliament dissolved. Afterwards, the building was used for church services again. Paul's was partially destroyed in World War II, particularly its interior, which now has a modern appearance. It was quickly and symbolically rebuilt after the war; today it is used mainly for exhibitions and events. The view towards downtown Frankfurt from shopping street Archäologischer Garten Frankfurt The Archaeological Garden contains small parts of the oldest recovered buildings: an ancient Roman settlement and the Frankfurt Royal Palace Kaiserpfalz Frankfurt from the 6th century. The garden is located between the Römerberg and the Cathedral. It was discovered after World War II when the area was heavily bombed and later partly rebuilt. The remains were preserved and are now open to the public. There are plans underway to construct a building on top of the garden but anyhow it is decided that the garden will stay open to the public. Haus Wertheim Wertheim House is the only in the district that survived the heavy bombings of World War II undamaged. It is located on the Römerberg next to the Historical Museum. Saalhof The is the oldest conserved building in the district and dates to the 12th century. It was used as an exhibition hall by Dutch when trade fairs were held during the 14th and 15th century. The Saalhof was partly destroyed in World War II and later rebuilt. Today it serves as a part of the. Eiserner Steg The Eiserner Steg Iron Bridge is a pedestrian-only bridge across the Main that connects Römerberg and Sachsenhausen. It was built in 1868 and was the second bridge to cross the river. After World War II, when it was blown up by the , it was quickly rebuilt in 1946. Today some 10,000 people cross the bridge on a daily basis. The opera house was built in 1880 by architect Richard Lucae. It was one of the major opera houses in Germany until it was heavily damaged in World War II. Later on, Arndt said he never had meant his suggestion seriously. Public pressure led to its refurbishment and reopening in 1981. Eschenheimer Turm The Eschenheim Tower was erected at the beginning of the 15th century and served as a city gate as part of late-medieval fortifications. It is the oldest and most unaltered building in the district. Catherine's Church Katharinenkirche is the largest church, dedicated to , a early Christian saint. It is located in the city centre at the entrance to the Zeil, the central pedestrian shopping street. Hauptwache Although today is mostly associated with the inner-city underground train station , the name originates from a building on the square above the station. It is situated in the city centre opposite to St. Catherine's Church and houses a famous café. Central Station Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof , which opened in 1888, was built as the central train station for Frankfurt to replace three smaller train stations in the city centre and to boost the needed capacity for travellers. It was constructed as a and was the largest train station in Europe by floor area until 1915 when was opened. Its three main halls were constructed in a -style, while the later enlargement with two outer halls in 1924 was constructed in -style. Frankfurter Hof The Frankfurter Hof is a landmarked hotel in the city centre at Kaiserplatz, built from 1872 to 1876. It is part of group and is considered the city's most prestigious. Leonhard , on the Main close to the bridge Eiserner Steg, is a Catholic , derived from a beginning in 1425. It is the only one of nine churches in the Old Town that survived World War II almost undamaged. The parish serves the English-speaking community. The church has been under restoration since 2011. The birthplace of from 1749 was destroyed in World War II and then rebuilt true to the original. It is located in the district and borders in the west. Upon its completion, the complex was the in Europe and remained so until the 1950s. The building served as headquarters for research projects relating to the development of and and the manufacturing of , lubricating oil, explosives, , and , the lethal gas used in. After World War II, it served as the headquarters for the and from 1949 to 1952 the High Commissioner for Germany HICOG. It became the principal location for implementing the , which largely financed the post-war reconstruction of Europe. The state apparatus of the was devised there. It served as the headquarters for the and the Northern Area Command NACOM until 1995 when the US Army returned control of the IG Farben Building to the German government. It was purchased on behalf of the by the state of. In October 2001 it became part of the Westend Campus of Goethe University. It was built from 2006 to 2011 on top of an existing railway station and has a connecting bridge to Terminal 1 for pedestrians. Its total of 140,000 m 2 1,506,947 sq ft rentable floor space makes it Germany's largest office building. Skyscrapers Upper section of the with a public observation deck at 200 metres Frankfurt is one of the few European cities with a significant number of skyscrapers, buildings at least 150 m 492. It hosts 14 out of Germany's 15. Most skyscrapers and high-rise office buildings are located in the financial district near the city centre, around the trade fair premises and at between Opernplatz and Platz der Republik, which connects the two areas. Skyline at dusk, seen from Deutschherrnbrücke 2014 For centuries, was the tallest structure. The first building to exceed the 95-metre-high cathedral was not an office building but a , the 120-metre high , built from 1959 to 1961. The first high-rise building boom came in the 1970s when then called Plaza Büro Center and were constructed and became the tallest buildings in Germany with a height of 159. Around the same time, and 142. None of the buildings constructed during the 1980s surpassed Silberturm. The most famous buildings from this decade are the at Taunusanlage, both 155. The 1990s featured a second wave. It was overtaken by the 259-metre high in 1997. Other tall buildings from this decade are 208. In 21st-century Frankfurt, more high-rise buildings and skyscrapers e. With a height of 337. It was open to the public until 1999, with an entertainment establishment in the revolving top. It was the highest structure until 1974. The Henninger Tower had two rotating restaurants at the height of 101 and 106 metres and an open-air observation deck at the height of 110 metres. The tower closed to the public in October 2002 and was demolished in 2013 to be replaced by a 140 m 459 ft tall residential tower, which is externally inspired by the old Henninger Turm, and will contain 130 luxury apartments. The cornerstone for this project was laid in June 2014 and was expected to be completed sometime in 2016. The now-renamed race is still a yearly event. It was the fifth tallest wood construction structure in Germany. It was built in 1931 and was a popular place for day-trippers until it burned down in 2017. A replacement is due to be built in 2019. Shopping streets , Frankfurt's central shopping street. It is a pedestrian-only area and is bordered by two large public squares, in the west and in the east. It is the second most expensive street for shops to rent in Germany after the in. In 2009 a new shopping mall named opened there with nearly 100 stores and chains like. Three more shopping malls occupy the Zeil: , and , as well as large fashion retail clothing stores from and. During the month before Christmas, the extended pedestrian-only zone is host to , one of the largest and oldest Christmas markets in Germany. It is located between the financial district and the city centre and runs from Goetheplatz to Opernplatz. It starts in the city center, runs through and and ends in. The street is less crowded than the Zeil and offers a greater variety of smaller shops, restaurants and cafés. High density of shops for daily needs. It runs parallel to Münchener Straße from the central station to the financial district. Kaiserstraße is still a synonym for Frankfurt's although moved to neighbouring streets such as Taunusstraße in the 1990s. Today Kaiserstraße houses many smaller shops, restaurants and cafés. In addition to regional delicacies like imported goods are offered. The Kleinmarkthalle is the largest public market place in Frankfurt. With 8,000 it covers a third of the administrative area. It includes the Frankfurter Stadtwald , Germany's largest forest within a city , the Schwanheimer Düne , the Niddatal , the Niddapark, the Lohrberg Lohr Mountain, Frankfurt's only , the Huthpark, the Enkheimer Ried , the Seckbacher Ried and the Fechenheimer Mainbogen a S-shaped part of the river in. The Green Belt is a which means that housing is not allowed. The Green Belt was formally created in 1991 with its own constitution. It is an auto-free zone with large green areas that is popular with strollers and tourists, especially in the summertime, when it can become crowded. The southern riverbank, which continues further to and , offers the best skyline views. The northern riverbank ends in the west at the former Westhafen West Harbour, a residential housing area and is growing to the east: A former industrial-used area between the future and the Osthafen East Harbour was to become a park named Hafenpark Harbour Park. Building is not allowed, with a few exceptions, the most famous being the built 1880 at the Opernplatz. The name of the park recalls in southern France, because it is one of the warmest areas with a nearly. Numerous grow there and can survive outside during the winter. It contains Chinese buildings, with building materials imported from China and built by Chinese workers in the 1980s. Hosts traditional Chinese plants and herbs. With more than 30 museums, Frankfurt has one of the largest variety of museums in Europe. Ten museums are located on the southern riverbank in between the Eiserner Steg and the Friedensbrücke. The street itself, , is partially closed to traffic on Saturdays for Frankfurt's largest. Light Railway Museum Frankfurt in the district, the Verkehrsmuseum Frankfurt Transport Museum Frankfurt in the district, the Hammer Museum in the district and the Geldmuseum der Deutschen Bundesbank Money Museum of the German Federal Bank in the district. Performing arts The English Theatre Music and originated in Frankfurt. By doing so a new genre was born: Eurodance. In the early 1990s, DJs including and DJ DAG of first played a harder, deeper style of that became popular worldwide over the next decade as Trance music. Some of the early and most influential Eurodance, Trance and acts, e. It was elected of Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland by German magazine in 1995, 1996 and 2003. It was also elected Best opera house in Germany in 2010 and 2011. Its orchestra was voted Orchestra of the year in 2009, 2010 and 2011. It is mostly used for concerts, exhibitions or sport events and can accommodate up to 13,500. It is located in the near. It is primarily used for soccer and concerts with a capacity up to 51,500. It opened in 1925 and underwent several major reconstructions. Locals still prefer to call the stadium by its traditional name, Waldstadion Forest Stadium. It was established in 1979. It was established in 1988 and houses the famous Tiger-Restaurant which was awarded a. It is located in an old factory in the district. It is located in the Karmeliterkloster in the district. According to its own advertising it is the worst theatre in the world. Botanical gardens Palmengarten Frankfurt is home to two major botanical gardens. It opened to the public in 1871. It contains about 5,000 , with special collections of 45 and indigenous plants of central Europe. It is organized into two major areas: The area contains an , , , , , and a pond, as well as collections of plants from the , , East Asia, , and North America and the systematic and ecological collection includes crop plants, , ornamental plants, , and the Neuer Senckenbergischer Arzneipflanzengarten New Senckenberg Medicinal Plant Garden, 1200 m². The Botanical Garden, the neighbouring Palmengarten and the neighbouring form the largest inner-city green area. The Frankfurt branch was officially opened in September 2008 by and his wife. It is located in the so-called Amerika-Haus. The French Institute works closely with the French cultural network abroad consisting of more than 150 branches and nearly 1000 branches of the around the world. It promotes Italian culture and is involved in the teaching of the Italian language; there are 83 Italian Cultural Institutes throughout major cities around the world. There are over 480 Confucius Institutes worldwide. Subject areas include anthropology, culture and society, economy, gender studies, history, Judaic studies, fine arts, literature, linguistics, political sciences and social sciences, philosophy and religion. CEEOL is operated by Questa. The 20 museums there open far into the night. It offers live music, dance shows, booths for crafts, jewellery, clothes and food stands from around the world. Mentioned for the first time in the 14th century as an annual marketplace it is now more of an amusement park. The name of the festival derives from its original purpose, when it was a fair where traditionally crafted jars, pots and other stoneware were on offer. The festival takes place over four days after with the formal Wäldchestag on Tuesday. Its unique location is in the , south-west of the city centre in. A free shuttle operates between the museums. In 2010, approximately 40,000 visitors attended. Usually club-door-policies are loosened to attract new customers. A free shuttle runs between the clubs. Many buildings are specially lit for the event. In 2008, more than 220 light installations could be seen and attracted 100,000 visitors. The last Luminale was held in March 2018. It takes place irregularly, lately in May 2013, and attracted around 1. For two days most skyscrapers are open to the public. Sky-divers, base jumpers, fireworks and laser shows are extra attractions. Nightlife Frankfurt at Night Frankfurt offers a variety of restaurants, bars, pubs and clubs. Clubs concentrate in and around the city centre and in the district, mainly close to Hanauer Landstraße. Restaurants, bars and pubs concentrate in , , and. One of the main venues of the early sound was the closed 1998. Because of the location at the airport the club had no restrictions regarding opening hours. The club had to close at the end of 2000 because of stricter regulations. It closed in 2012. It opened in 1999 and expanded with a beach club in and a restaurant King Kamehameha Suite in the financial district. The club closed in 2013, although the King Kamehameha Suite is still open. Its location was an underground former pedestrian underpass. It closed in 2012. It closed at the end of 2016. It opened in 1976 and attracts mostly people with a left-wing political attitude. The most luxurius versions have wave-shaped parts, some are made of solid cherry wood inlaid with plumwood. It has an alcohol content of 5. Variants, often due to seasonal availability include dill, lovage, lemon balm and spinach. Original green sauce Frankfurt-style is made of herbs that were gathered only on fields within the city limits. They are similar to. The name Frankfurter Würstchen has been trademarked since 1860. The traditional way producing it is by hand. It is usually baked for Christmas. The airport has four and serves 265 non-stop destinations. Run by transport company it ranks among the and is the in Europe. The airport also serves as a hub for and as the main hub for German. Depending upon whether total passengers or flights are used for calculations, it ranks third or second busiest in Europe alongside and. Passenger traffic at Frankfurt Airport in 2012 was 57. There are plans to expand the airport with a third passenger terminal to increase the capacity up to 88 million in 2020. The airport can be reached by car or bus and has two railway stations, one for regional and one for long-distance traffic. The lines S8 and S9 direction Offenbach Ost or Hanau Hbf departing at the take 10—15 minutes from the airport to and onwards to the city centre , the and trains departing at the take 10 minutes to Frankfurt Central Station. Frankfurt Hahn Airport Despite the name, Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn is situated approximately 120 km 75 mi from the city in. Hahn Airport is a major base for. This airport can only be reached by car or bus. An hourly bus service runs from , taking about 1-hour and 45 minutes. Frankfurt Egelsbach Airport Flugplatz Frankfurt-Egelsbach is a busy airport located south-east of Frankfurt Airport, near. Roads The western approach on the to the Frankfurt is a traffic hub for the German motorway system. The is an Autobahn interchange close to the airport, where the A3 , to , and the A5 , to , meet. With approximately 320,000 cars passing through it every day it is Europe's most heavily used interchange. The A66 connects Frankfurt with in the west and in the east. The A661 is mainly a commuter motorway which starts in the south Egelsbach , runs through the eastern part and ends in the north. The A648 is a very short motorway in the western part which primarily serves as a fast connection between the A 66 and the. The A5 in the west, the A3 in the south and the A661 in the north-east form a around the inner city districts and define a Umweltzone; established in 2008 , meaning that vehicles have to meet certain emission criteria to enter the zone. The streets of central Frankfurt are usually congested with cars during. Some areas, especially around the shopping streets Zeil, Goethestraße and Freßgass, are pedestrian-only streets. Car parks are located throughout the city and especially in the city centre. Railway stations at Frankfurt Central Station Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof, often abbreviated as Frankfurt Main Hbf or F-Hbf is the largest railway station in Germany by railway traffic. By daily passenger volume, it ranks second together with 350,000 each after 450,000. It is located between the , the and the district, not far away from the trade fair and the financial district. It serves as a major hub for long-distance trains , and regional trains as well as for Frankfurt's public transport system. It is a stop for most of ICE high speed lines, making it Germany's most important ICE station. ICE Trains to London via the were planned for 2013. All lines, two lines U4, U5 , several tram and bus lines stop there. Regional and local trains are integrated in the Public transport system RMV , the second largest integrated public transport systems in the world, after. Frankfurt Airport stations Frankfurt Airport can be accessed by two railway stations: Frankfurt Flughafen Fernbahnhof is only for long-distance traffic and connects the airport to the main rail network, with most of the services using the. The long-distance station is located outside the actual airport ground but has a connecting bridge for pedestrians to Terminal 1, concourse B. Frankfurt Flughafen Regionalbahnhof is for local trains lines S8, S9 and regional trains. The regional station is located within Terminal 1, concourse B. Frankfurt South station Frankfurt's third long-distance station is Frankfurt Südbahnhof, often abbreviated as Frankfurt Main Süd or F-Süd , located in. It is an important destination for local trains and trams lines 14 to 16, 19 and the terminal stop for four U-Bahn lines U1, U2, U3, U8 and four S-Bahn lines S3, S4, S5, S6. Konstablerwache station and Hauptwache station Two other major railway stations in the city centre are Konstablerwache and Hauptwache, located on each end of the Zeil. They are the main stations to change from east-to-west-bound S-Bahn trains to north-to-south-bound U-Bahn trains. Konstablerwache station is the second-busiest railway station regarding daily passenger volume 191,000 after the central station. The third-busiest railway station is Hauptwache station 181,000. Public transport Main article: The city has two systems: the U-Bahn and the S-Bahn, as well as an above-ground tram system. Information about the U- and S-Bahn can be found on the website of the. S-Bahn Nine lines S1 to S9 connect Frankfurt with the densely populated. Most routes have at least 15-minute service during the day, either by one line running every 15 minutes, or by two lines servicing one route at a 30-minute interval. All lines, except line S7, run through the Frankfurt city tunnel and serve the stations , , , and. When leaving the city the S-Bahn travels above ground. It provides access to the trade fair S3, S4, S5, S6 , the airport S8, S9 , the stadium S7, S8, S9 and nearby cities such as , , , , , , , , , and smaller towns that are on the way. U-Bahn The has nine lines U1 to U9 serving Frankfurt and the larger suburbs of Bad Homburg and Oberursel in the north. The trains that run on the line are in fact as many lines travel along a track in the middle of the street instead of underground further from the city centre. The minimum service interval is 2. Tram Frankfurt has ten lines 11, 12, 14 to 21 , with trams arriving usually every 10 minutes. Many sections are served by two lines, combining to run at 5-minute intervals during rush-hour. The tram runs only above ground and serve more stops than the U-Bahn or the S-Bahn. Bus A number of lines complete the Frankfurt public transport system. Night buses replace U-Bahn and tram services between 1:30 am and 3:30 am. The central junction for the night bus service is Konstablerwache in the city centre, where all night bus lines start and end. Taxis can usually be found outside the major S-Bahn and U-Bahn stations, at the central station, the south station, the airport, the trade fair and in the crowded inner-city shopping streets. The common way to obtain a taxi is to either call a taxi operator or to go to a taxi rank. However, although not the norm, one can hail a passing taxi on the street. Bicycles Velotaxi at the Zeil makes bicycles available for hire through their service. The bicycles are stationed all over the city, including at selected railway stations. They can easily be spotted because of their eye-catching silver-red colour. To rent a specific bike, riders either call a service number to get an unlock code or reserve the bike via the smartphone application. To return the bike, the rider locks it within a designated return area and calls the service number, if not booked via the app. They are stationed all over the city. These can be spotted with their blue color scheme. These are allowed to operate in pedestrian-only areas and are therefore practical for sightseeing. Frankfurt has a network of cycle routes. Many long-distance bike routes into the city have cycle tracks that are separate from motor vehicle traffic. In addition, cyclists are allowed to ride many cramped one-way streets in both directions. As of 2015 , 15 percent of citizens used bicycles. This section needs additional citations for. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. September 2015 Frankfurt is one of the world's most important and Germany's financial capital, followed by. Frankfurt was ranked 8th at the 2013 , 8th at the 2008 , 9th at the September 2013 , 10th at the 2011 , 11th at the 2012 , 12th at the Innovation Cities Index 2011 , 14th at the 2011 and 23rd at the 2012. The city's importance as a financial centre has risen since the. Indications are the establishment of two institutions of the and in 2011 and the by which the European Central Bank was to assume responsibility for specific supervisory tasks related to the financial stability of the biggest and most important banks. According to an annual study by , the European Cities Monitor 2010 , Frankfurt has been one of the top three cities for international companies in Europe, after London and Paris, since the survey started in 1990. It is the only German city considered to be an as listed by the group's 2010 inventory, which was a promotion from the group's 2008 inventory when it was ranked as an alpha minus world city category 4. With over 922 jobs per 1,000 inhabitants, Frankfurt has the highest concentration of jobs in Germany. On work days and Saturdays one million people commute from all over the. The city is expected to benefit from international banks relocating jobs from London to Frankfurt as a result of Brexit to retain access to the EU market. Thus far, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup Inc. Central banks The new headquarters of the European Central Bank in the Ostend district Frankfurt is home to two important : the German Bundesbank and the European Central Bank ECB. European Central Bank The European Central Bank Europäische Zentralbank is one of the world's most important central banks. From 1998 the ECB Headquarters have been located in Frankfurt, first in the at Willy-Brandt-Platz and in two other nearby high-rises. The new in the district, consisting of the former wholesale market hall and a newly built 185-metre skyscraper, was completed in late 2014. The new building complex was designed to accommodate up to 2,300 ECB personnel. The location is a few kilometres away from the city centre and borders an industrial area as well as the Osthafen East Harbour , It was primarily chosen because of its large premises which allows the ECB to install security arrangements without high fences. German Federal Bank The Deutsche Bundesbank , located in , was established in 1957 as the central bank for the Federal Republic of Germany. The Bundesbank was greatly respected for its control of inflation through the second half of the 20th century. Today the Bundesbank is an integral part of the ESCB which is formed by all 27 European Union member states. Commercial banks , Headquarters of UBS Germany, at the Opernplatz In 2010, 63 national and 152 international banks had a registered office, including the headquarters of the major German banks, as well as 41 offices of international banks. Deutsche Bank ranks among the 30 largest banks in the world and the ten largest banks in Europe. Deutsche Bank is listed on the , the of the 30 largest German business companies at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. In November 2010 Deutsche Bank bought the majority of shares of competitor. Its are located at Taunusanlage in the financial district. The DZ Bank Group defines itself primarily as a service provider for the local Volksbanken and Raiffeisenbanken and their 30 million clients. The DZ Bank headquarters are the and the at Platz der Republik. The DZ Bank Group includes , DVB Bank and Reisebank, which are also headquartered in Frankfurt. KfW provides loans for approved purposes at lower rates than commercial banks, especially to medium-sized businesses. The KfW headquarters are located in the district at Bockenheimer Landstraße and Senckenberganlage. In 2009, Commerzbank merged with competitor , then the third-largest German bank. Due to the merger and the higher credit risks, Commerzbank was partially 25 percent during the. It is listed in the DAX. Its headquarters are at 259 metres , the , at Kaiserplatz. As such, it is state-owned and defined as a service provider for the local Sparkassen. Helaba is one of nine Landesbanken and is the fifth-largest in Germany. It is located in the 200-metre-tall in the financial district, the only skyscraper with an observation desk open to the public. The headquarters of DekaBank are located at the skyscraper at Mainzer Landstraße. Other major German banks include Frankfurter Volksbank, the second-largest Volksbank in Germany, Frankfurter Sparkasse and old-established private banks such as , and. Many international banks have a registered or a representative office, e. Frankfurt Stock Exchange Main article: The Frankfurt Stock Exchange Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse began in the 9th century. By the 16th century Frankfurt had developed into an important European hub for trade fairs and financial services. Today the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is by far the largest in Germany, with a turnover of more than 90 percent of the German and is the third-largest in Europe after the and the European branch of the. The most important is the , the index of the 30 largest German business companies listed at the stock exchange. The stock exchange is owned and operated by , which is itself listed in the DAX. Deutsche Börse also owns the European and clearing company. Trading takes place exclusively via the , with redundant floor brokers taking on the role of market-makers on the new platform. On 1 February 2012 European Commission blocked the proposed merger of Deutsche Börse and. These markets are at the heart of the financial system and it is crucial for the whole European economy that they remain competitive. We tried to find a solution, but the remedies offered fell far short of resolving the concerns. It is located in the city centre at the Börsenplatz. Frankfurt Trade Fair Main article: Messe Frankfurt has the third-largest exhibition site in the world with a total of 578,000 square metres 6,221,540 square feet. The trade fair premises are located in the western part between , the and the district. It houses ten exhibition halls with a total of 321,754 square meters 3,463,331 square feet of space and 96,078 square metres 1,034,175 square feet of outdoor space. Hosted in Frankfurt are the Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung — IAA , the world's largest , the Frankfurter Buchmesse , the world's largest book fair, the Ambiente Frankfurt, the world's largest fair, the Achema, the world's largest plant engineering fair, and many more like Paperworld, Christmasworld, Beautyworld, Tendence Lifestyle or Light+Building. Messe Frankfurt GmbH, the owner and operator company, organized 87 exhibitions in 2010, 51 thereof in foreign countries. It is one of the largest trade fair companies with commercial activities in over 150 countries. Messeturm A landmark building of the trade fair and of the whole city is the the name translates as Fair Trade Tower , which was the from 1991 to 1997. It is located on the north-east corner of the trade fair premises at the so-called city entrance. Despite the name it is not used for exhibition but serves as an office tower. Aviation Two Lufthansa Airbus A380s at is one of the busiest airports in the world and is also the single largest place of work in Germany with over 500 companies which employ 71,500 people 2010. Lufthansa The largest employer at Frankfurt Airport is Lufthansa, Germany's and Europe's largest airline. Lufthansa employs 35,000 people in Frankfurt. The Lufthansa Aviation Center LAC is the main operation base of Lufthansa at Frankfurt Airport. The airport serves as Lufthansa's primary with 157 worldwide destinations compared to 110 destinations at , Lufthansa's second-largest hub. Fraport is the owner and operator of Frankfurt Airport. It is the airport's second-largest employer 19,800 workers in 2010. Fraport also operates other airports worldwide, e. Condor is a German airline and part of , based at Frankfurt Airport. Other industries Accountancy and professional services Three of the four largest international and firms are present. PwC German headquarters are located at. Credit rating agencies The three major international — , and — have their German headquarters in Frankfurt. It is one of the 10 largest investment trust companies in the world. Management consultancies Many of the largest international are represented, including , , , , , , , and. Real estate services companies Located in Frankfurt are the German headquarters of and. Most of the large international maintain offices, among them , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and. Advertising agencies Although it is best known for its banks and financial institutions, Frankfurt is also a centre for media companies. Around 570 companies of the advertising industry and 270 companies are there. According to a ranking of German November 2007 seven of the 48 largest in Germany are based in Frankfurt, including , , , and. Food Frankfurt is home to the German headquarters of , the world's largest , located in. Other important food companies are German headquarters and Radeberger Gruppe KG, the largest private brewery group in Germany. Automotive The South-Korean moved its European headquarters to Frankfurt in 2007. In the same year Italian manufacturer opened its new German headquarters. Construction Some of the largest German construction companies have offices, e. Property and real estate Frankfurt has Germany's highest concentration of homeowners. This is partly attributed to the financial sector, but also to its cosmopolitan nature, with expatriates and immigrants representing one fourth of its population. For this reason Frankfurt's property market often operates differently than the rest of the country where the prices are generally flatter. Other heating plant Frankfurt is home to companies from the chemical, the transportation, the telecommunication and the energy industry. It is one of Germany's largest with over 90 companies from the , the and the industry, including , , , and. It was founded by chemical company in 1874. Hoechst AG merged with to become in 1999 and in 2004 Aventis merged with to become. In 2005, around 22,000 people worked at Industriepark Höchst. In 2011, now part of , an international manufacturer of engineering , moved to Industriepark Höchst. It provides electricity, gas, heat and water. Its headquarters are Frankfurt-based. Urban area suburban businesses Within Frankfurt's urban area are several important companies. The business centre of Eschborn is located right at Frankfurt's city limits in the west and attracts businesses with significantly lower compared to Frankfurt. Major companies in Eschborn include , , and VR Leasing. With 20,000 employees in 2003, Opel was one of the five largest employers in. Two companies are located in , and. Other major companies are , , Deutsche Leasing and Basler Versicherungen. The German headquarters of are based in. Rush hour on Autobahn 5 According to a ranking list 2001 produced by the , Frankfurt is the richest city in Europe by , followed by , Paris and. Frankfurt was voted the 7th in the by the Mercer Quality of Living Survey 2012 , seventh in the Mercer Quality of Living Survey 2010 and 18th at the World's Most Liveable Cities Survey 2011. According to an annual citizen survey 2010 , arranged by the city council, 66 percent inhabitants are satisfied or highly satisfied with the city, while only 6 percent said that they are dissatisfied. Compared to the 1993's survey the number of satisfied inhabitants has grown about 22 percent while the number of dissatisfied inhabitants was reduced by 8 percent. Frankfurt consistently has the highest levels of crime per 100,000 inhabitants in Germany 15. The rate for personal safety-relevant crimes such as murder, manslaughter, rape or bodily harm, is 3. It was established on 1 January 2011. Federal Financial Supervisory Authority Frankfurt is one of two locations of the German Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, short: BaFin. The BaFin is an independent federal institution and acts as Germany's authority. International Finance Corporation Frankfurt is home to the German office of the IFC , which is part of the Group. The IFC promotes sustainable private sector investment in. German National Library Frankfurt is one of two sites of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek , the other being. The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek is the largest in Germany. Its task, unique in Germany, is to collect, permanently archive, comprehensively document and record bibliographically all German and German-language publications from 1913 on, foreign publications about Germany, translations of German works and the works of German-speaking emigrants published abroad between 1933 and 1945, and to make them available to the public. In addition to its infrastructure and economy, its diversity supports a vibrant cultural scene. This blend of attractions led 4. The Hotels in central Frankfurt offer 34,000 beds in 228 hotels, of which 13 are luxury hotels and 46 are first-class hotels. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. September 2015 Newspapers Two important daily newspapers are published. The conservative , also known as FAZ, was founded in 1949 and is the German newspaper with the widest circulation outside of Germany, with its editors claiming to deliver the newspaper to 148 countries every day. The FAZ has a circulation of over 380,000 copies daily. The other important newspaper, the , was first published in 1945 and has a daily circulation of over 181,000. Magazines Several magazines also originate from Frankfurt. Öko-Test is a consumer-oriented magazine that focuses on ecological topics. Radio and TV Frankfurt's first radio station was the Südwestdeutsche Rundfunkdienst AG Southwest German Broadcast Service , founded in 1924. Its successor service is the public broadcaster Hessian Broadcast Service. Other radio broadcasters include Main FM and Radio X. From August 1945 to October 2004, the AFN had broadcast from Frankfurt. Due to troop reductions the AFN's location has been closed with AFN now broadcasting from. News agency Frankfurt is home to the German office of , the global. Frankfurt hosts two universities and several specialist schools. The two business schools are 's and. Johann Wolfgang Goethe University The oldest and best-known university is the , with locations in Bockenheim, Westend, and Riedberg, and the university hospital in Niederrad. The Business School's Full Time MBA program has over 70% international students. Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences The was created out of several older organisations in 1971, and offers over 38 study areas, in the arts, sciences, engineering and law. Some of the most important research projects: Planet Earth Simulator, -IT-School-Service, quantitative analysis of in human corpses with the help of a mass spectrometer, software engineering e. Frankfurt School of Finance and Management The city is also home to a business school, , formerly known as the Hochschule für Bankwirtschaft Institution of Higher Learning for Banking Economics , with its new campus near Deutsche Nationalbibliothek U-Bahn stop recently moving from its previous location in the Ostend Eastend neighbourhood. In 2001, it became a specialist institution for Economics and Management, or FOM. Frankfurt School is consistently ranked among the best business schools in the world, attributed to its high research output and quality of undergraduate and graduate training. Städelschule Frankfurt has the State Institution of Higher Learning for Artistic Education known as the , founded in 1817 by Johann Friedrich. It was taken over by the city in 1942 and turned into a state art school. Music schools and conservatory Music institutions are the , and the Dr. Hoch's Konservatorium which was founded in 1878. The International Academy is a significant institution for the study of contemporary music. Other notable schools This section does not any. Unsourced material may be challenged and. September 2015 The German: Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen , a private institution with membership in the German Jesuit Association, has been located in since 1950. The city is home to three institutes: the MPIeR , , and the. The , sponsored by several institutional and private sources, is involved in theoretical research in physics, chemistry, neuroscience, and computer science. Frankfurt is host to the Römisch-Germanische-Kommission RGK , the branch for in Germany and Europe. The RGK is involved in a variety of research projects. Its library, with over 130,000 volumes, is one of the largest specialised archaeological libraries in the world. Education and media This section does not any. Unsourced material may be challenged and. September 2015 Frankfurt schools rank among the best equipped schools nationwide for availability of PCs and other media facilities. In order to assure maintenance and support of the school PCs, the city in cooperation with the launched the project — IT-Schul-Service, an initiative employing students to provide basic school IT-support. This section needs additional citations for. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. September 2015 Frankfurt is home to several professional sports teams. Some of them have won German Championships. Women's side are Germany's record title holders; are one-time German champions, four-times winners of the , and winners of the in 1980. The city hosts also the annual and the. In addition to the former, it is one of 13 global host locations to the J. Morgan Corporate Challenge , Germany's biggest corporate sports event. Rhein-Main Eissport Club forms the base of the German community. Verlag Waldemar Kramer, Frankfurt am Main 1987 3. Traditionen und Perspektiven einer Stadt. Jan Thorbecke Verlag, Sigmaringen 1994, Katalog zur 1200-Jahrfeier 1994 mit wiss. Die frühe Geschichte von Frankfurt am Main. Verlag Josef Knecht, Frankfurt am Main 1994,. Von der Pfalzsiedlung zum Bankenzentrum. Junius Verlag, Hamburg 2008,. Bauten und Visionen seit 1945, Prestel, München 2014,. Mit Photographien von Barbara Klemm. Insel, Frankfurt am Main 2002,. Archived from on 21 April 2008. Retrieved 9 April 2016. Archived from PDF on 19 July 2011. Retrieved 2 January 2010. Retrieved 21 March 2017. Archived from PDF on 1 January 2011. Retrieved 4 November 2014. Retrieved 27 September 2011. Archived from on 2 May 2014. Archived from on 19 February 2012. Wallace-Hadrill, Fredegar and the History of France, University of Manchester, n. Retrieved 23 July 2009. Retrieved 10 June 2010. Army Ground Forces from Battalion through Division, 1939—1946 Revised Edition, 2006 , Stackpole Books, p. 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